Jack and Blake Hadley(Cowork Utah) are simply AMAZING!!! I can't get over the work they have done for our dyslexic center. I have been trying to come up with a logo with Shelley Hatch, another dyslexia therapist for over a year now that captured a certain vision. I shared my thoughts of a symbol I wanted that would capture the way a person with dyslexia thinks with Blake and Jack. I wanted something abstract that could be seen from different angles, different viewpoints....They did EXACTLY that! I am amazed at their work, talent, and ability!!! Check out the symbol...Three in one: It's a ladder, a N (for New), and an H (for Heights)....simply AMAZING!!! Now why couldn't I think of that???! Soo grateful for abstract minds! Their work ROCKS!!! Thank you soo much you INCREDIBLE people!!!
Check out more about them at:
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