Thursday, June 11, 2009


USIMAC is the Utah State Instruction Materials Access Center. They are the state resource for accessible alternate format instructional materials. They are the state coordinaters with publishers of the NIMAS (National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard). They are also the state producer of alternate format instructional material.

NIMAS(National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard) offers blind or print disabled students the opportunity for timely access to instructional materials. NIMAS provides the electronic standard from which specialized formats can be created.

Who qualifies for NIMAS?
Blind, visually impaired, physically impaired, those with reading disabilities.

Accessible alternate formats
Braille, Audio, Large Print, and Digital

The State of Utah, Local Education Agencies are obligated by IDEA 2004 to ensure that the needs of both groups are met.

Who do you contact:
Vali Kremer, USIMAC Coordinator, Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center, Highland Park Plaza Suite 103, 3098 South Highland Drive, SLC, Utah 84106

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