Thursday, October 9, 2008

Take Time to Read

Take Time to Read (3TR), a partnership between TSRHC and the Grand Lodge of Texas, is a public awareness program that educates adults about the importance of reading to young children. The program began in 1999 and has helped Masons spread the word throughout Texas about the benefits of reading to children.

TTTR and Texas Masons
Take Time to Read gives Masons the opportunity to demonstrate their care for the future of Texas children. Since the program’s inception, the hospital and the Grand Lodge have worked together to develop and distribute 3TR materials to lodges at no charge. Masons use the materials, such as posters, brochures, bookmarks and a handbook about how to implement 3TR activities, to educate their communities about the hospital.

Reading to Children
Reading experts agree that reading aloud to children may be one of the most important activities adults can do to prepare children for success in school. Reading aloud for as little as 10-20 minutes each day can provide tremendous benefits in helping children develop a better understanding and appreciation of language.

Benefits of Reading to Children Include:
  • Encouraging children’s imagination and inspiring creativity
  • Helping children develop good listening skills and expand their attention span
  • Preparing children for success in school
  • Helping children develop critical thinking skills
  • Creating a bond between adult and child

Tips for Reading to Children:
  • Take time to read to your child every day for at least 10 minutes.
  • Establish a regular reading time.
  • Make sure your special reading time isn’t interrupted. Your undivided attention is important to your child.
  • Guide your child’s reading selection by choosing a variety of books you find appropriate. Allow your child to choose from this group.
  • Talk about what you’re reading. Discuss the story to make sure your child understands the story and the words in the book.

To order 3TR materials, such as posters, brochures and bookmarks, please download the order form. For more information, please contact the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia at (214) 559-7800 or (800) 421-1121, ext. 7800, or e-mail

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