Sunday, November 18, 2007

Early Signs of Dyslexia

I am often asked if a child is dyslexic that is barely even four years old. It's easier to notice older children that have dyslexia because part of the symptoms of dyslexia are normal development for a 3 and 4 year old, so it's best to look at the overall learning pattern. These MAY be signs of dyslexia in preschool-age children,they MAY NOT...but these are taken straight out of The Every thing's Parent Guide for Children with Dyslexia-pg. 16
Jumbling sounds-Pasgetti for spaghetti
Confusing words-up for down, in for out
Forgetting or confusing the word for known objects-table for chair
Delayed speech development
Unusual speech patterns-hesitations, stammerings
Difficulty with behavior or learning
Difficulty remember and following directions
Low tolerance for frustration
Difficulty getting dressed
Excessive tripping, bumping into things, and falling over
Difficulty catching, kicking, or throwing a ball
Like I said, these come straight out of that book. I have not noticed the last three characteristic for myself.

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