Tuesday, October 2, 2007

58th Annual Dyslexic Conference

The 58th Annual Dyslexic Conference is titled Literacy and Language in the Lone Star State. The conference begins October 31 and runs thru November 3rd in Dallas, Texas. Texas is the state that has the most resources available for dyslexic therapists, parents, educators, and students. I attended the conference two years ago in Colorado and really enjoyed it.
I feel this conference is geared towards parents and educators. I'm excited about it and hoping to go. Check out the classes available online at www.interdys.org and click on the link for "58th Annual Conference Information" Click the link for "Registration"
Also, you can look at www.atcmeetings.com to find travel discounts and reservations and atc extras (advanced seat assignments, special meal requests, frequent flyer mileage updates, etc). Teachers can get CEU credits for attending, so you might want to inform your teachers about this. I know some schools pay for their teachers to attend this! Why not let them know?

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